Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My Destination

Continue about regretfull..
My mom was told me while she watch me designing something, "Kak, kayanya kakak salah masuk jurusan kuliah yaa.."
Errr.. Mommyy.. why u tell me that right now? :((

But never mind, I learn so many interesting object in Biology, and I like it too :D

I can travel around the mount and the seas while studying in Biology.
Because I like travelling so much, Biology didn't make it just travelling, it's can be more than that. Besides, in Biology I can studying about how mechanism of living things from cells to organism, from microbes to apes, and about genetics, microbiology, and of course reproduction. lol

My destination: Raja Ampat ;)

Well, travelling its my passion too.. I always wanted to travel around the world someday! And, Indonesia's first :)
I write on my note book to visiting Raja Ampat someday. Raja Ampat is the most place I want to go (and now I got diving license) :D
Unfortunately, I didn't passed the selection of program 'Aku Cinta Indonesia' from detik.com ;(
That program is travelling around Indonesia for about 60 days, it looks sooo yuuumm.. :3

And now, after I working, I didn't have enaugh time to make a journey *crying*

While I was a student, I don't have enaugh money, and now, I have money but don't have much time. Life is unfair sometimes *ironic* :p

xo, Hilwa ;)

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